put your eye on this kid!
Wondering what this child is going to be when he grows up ....
A pearl is the result of the work of a once foreign object within a shell until it takes the form and countenance of a polished beauty. If it is pushed off to the side it will be rejected and its inherent beauty will not be brought forth into being. But if it is allowed to take residence and move to the center - a marvelous work is wrought.
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Labels: christian, Christmas, doulos, husband, inspiration, meaning, scripture
my taste in Christmas music is indicative of my celebration. Along with the traditional carols which I really enjoy singing and playing (whether I'm really good at either ;-)), these are some songs I I truly love too:
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It's my favorite time of year - celebrating the advent of Christ. I'm moved by movies, and sentiments, and watching people. And there are birthdays in this month - 2 daughters, 1 brother in law, 1 son in law, and many dear friends, and I became 50.
Two years ago my mom died - it was my birthday. I was going to wake her for church - the husband was giving the message. I found later, after the firemen came and the paramedics lined the front of the house and the stairway, after I encouraged my husband to do what he does so I would have the comfort of knowing all was well with that part of the world, after holding her and wondering what diabetic crisis I had caused in my ineptitude, talking her back to this world with no avail, after alerting the brother and sister we had a situation with mom, later after following over to the hospital - she was having cerebral hemorrhage. She left us two days later.
The season has been this way for me for some time though, before the husband who has done wonderful things to make this season for me, I used to spend the holidays with the sisters family and still struggled. She has her season of difficulty, but Christmas is mine. This year the job is ambivalent, the church has a interim pastor and its in its own state, all the college kids are gone and our house is having quieter days, the giant graduates from boot camp at the end of the month in Chicago and I can't get there between weather and fares. But, life is not just some piece of cake. It's not just going to go my way.
Regardless, I love the season. I love my family. I love my friends. I love this time of year. Christ came and He is coming again! I don't know about rainy days and decembers, but the reason for the season IS!
Good friends are like cake and ice cream - something you like to have on your birthday :-). Our December birthdays we've been sharing the past couple of years. Mine was Tuesday and we were at Red Robins. Remember those coupons I get. They do coupons too! Well at Red Robins I got a free hamburger. I was soooo stuffed. And last night was the ace's husband's day. We shared that one at Black Angus. The coupon for was for a free steak dinner up to $19.99. I had peppered steak with mushrooms and mashed potatoes.
It's nice hanging out with our friends. Ace was explaining the the youngest the other day why we are all family - because as children of God we are. It's like that - good friends are like close family. You can be yourself and you like who you are and who you are with. They are good people. They are good friends. They are good family.
it's easy to make, quick, and delicious. you can throw it in the oven when people come over and seem like martha stewart. if you keep berries in the freezer, you'll almost always have the ingredients for this yummy last minute dessert.I just happen to have an assortment of berries in the freezer!
1-2 (16oz) bags of frozen mixed berries
pour them in a pie pan
pour approx. 1/3 cup of sugar over them
then sprinkle lightly w/ cinnamon, nutmeg, or allspice
then in a separate bowl mix [1/2 stick of butter, 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup flour, 1/3 cup brown sugar] until crumbly
pour crumbly mix in pan
bake at 350 until golden brown and somewhat crisp
goes well with vanilla ice cream
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"Do all the good you can,and this
by all the means you can,
in all the ways you can,
in all the places you can,
at all the times you can,
to all the people you can,
as long as ever you can"
"Moses had a staff.We answered questions like:
David had a sling
Samson had a jawbone
Rahab had a string.
Mary had some ointment
Aaron had a rod
Dorcas had a needle
All were used by God
What do you have?"
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"In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto: Anyone can cook. But I realize that only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more."Our words and opinions are often weighed toward things of little significance and not given to things of true measure. Anyone can tear down, but the skill to build is finer!
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The husband loves to collect churches and christmas cottages. We have a few around the house, especially during the holidays. Ever want to climb inside a Kinkade picture? Take a look!
Thomas Kinkade, the artist, is involved in a different holiday portrayal - the film variety: Home for Christmas starring Edward Asner, Peter O’Toole, Marcia Gay Harden and Jared Padalecki in a nostalgic, funny, and heartwarming story. It's releasing the 30th.
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Shug: I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it. More than anything God love admiration.In fact, as I recollect, in Terry McMillan's novel 'Waiting to Exhale', Savannah reveals her favorite colors are red, orange, and magenta - I so agree! In the movie, you see the ladies walking out of church, each wearing one of these colors while the fourth wears white - which is an exquisite bloom, itself.
Celie: You saying God is vain?
Shug: No, not vain, just wanting to share a good thing. I think it pisses God off when you walk by the colour purple in a field and don't notice it.
Celie: You saying it just wanna be loved like it say in the bible?
Shug: Yeah, Celie. Everything wanna be loved. Us sing and dance, and holla just wanting to be loved. Look at them trees. Notice how the trees do everything people do to get attention... except walk?
[they laugh]
Shug: Oh, yeah, this field feels like singing!
Hi there - Forwarding the latest update from my sister, Mary. Thank you for your continued prayers that have not fallen on deaf ears!
Greetings & God's blessings to all,
My apologies for this delayed update. I didn't get around to sharing with everyone how last week by the grace of God Esteban opened his eyes, attempted to speak, and was responsive. It was magnificent while it lasted (a whole two days)! The doctor's were curious to see what would happen if they decreased his paralytic meds & they were surprised; he continues to amaze them with his strength and determination! The bad news is he was put back under because he began to resist his breathing tube which is very uncomfortable, but necessary for his lungs to heal. He has another surgery tomorrow, but because of God's tender mercies, surgeries aren't every other day as they used to be, so his body has a chance to rest in between. Please continue to pray, and honor the Lord for the mighty things He has done and continues to do for my son. I believe Esteban hears everything I tell him, and I let him know that because of him, God's name is being uttered from the mouths of many! How great it is to glorify our Lord Jesus! Blessing to you and yours,
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Labels: christian, Esteban, intercession
5 a.m. yesterday I was all prepared to leave for work, but the little one had been coughing the night before. Since he has asthma, I keep a close eye on such things. I took his temperature and it was only slightly above normal. Well he got up to go to the bathroom and while he was there he gave up his dinner from the night before as well. That was that; it was back to bed for both of us.
At Bible study last night, we took the DISC test which reveal your spiritual gifts and your personality. It was insightful and mostly reconfirming. My top gifts were encouraging and teaching. Get this though, I have the personality of a Golden Retriever! Hot Dog! LOL
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slipping back into one of my favorite subjects of time and relationships, the closing episode of SG1 was phenomenal. I love the camera work, the interactions and relationships - I love the story - the non-comedic GroundHog Day feel. My favorite scene is one between the characters Daniel and Vala. Already I've watched this (the season's dvd set) over and over again enjoying the nuances of each scene. As far as SG1 goes in its entirety life is too short! Okay just give me a minute, I need some kleenex ...
You know at the end of the day, time should mean something even in nothingness, like watching a sunset - it should merit some worth tangible or intangible. The measure of faith as a verb will be reflected in the playback of one's sojourn - the Mary or Martha and many other facets of its time - of thou good and faithful servant.
And as with so many a flick, real life, and at the end of the day, the answer has been right in front all along. Their beam was, yours and mine is 'the Light of the World' - salvation.
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***Veterans Day Movies***Thanks, Bill. Here's War Movies and Veterans Day on Fox Movie Channel.
Next week we will be celebrating Veterans Day to honor those men and women who have served in our armed forces. Sad to say, such honor is bestowed less and less these days because more and more people do not know the basics about when, where, why and how our armed forces have served. Recently, a high school teacher and war veteran emailed me saying that there is a vacuum of knowledge among our youth about our history and geography. When it came to WWII, he said that the average high school student may know that there was a great world war and that we were on the winning side, but they could not name who the Allies were, much less the Axis powers that we defeated. So, for this Veterans Day, I recommend that your family watch one of many excellent movies that depict “men at war” and why it is sometimes necessary to take up arms to defend our freedoms and our values. Follow the link below to a list of movies, including their ratings and brief descriptions courtesy of the Internet Movie Data Base website. The film recommendations stretch from the origin of our nation with “The Patriot” depicting the American Revolution to “Black Hawk Down” depicting the more recent battle in Somalia. This is not an exhaustive list of war movies, though it is long, and many of the movies on this list are not at all appropriate for young children. I urge parents to use common sense and caution when choosing a movie, but there are several on the list that are suitable for older children and can help teach them the values necessary to keep the meaning in Veterans Day. My list is available here.
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Labels: family, film, Giant, holiday, intercession
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While the dew is still on the rosesI have to find the sheetmusic for that song - it was a favorite of my mom's; I was re-acquainted with it last week at our women's study. I had not previously read any Max Lucado, but I am certainly impressed with Cure for the Common Life. It was in the book's chapter 11 - Take This Job and Love It - that our study engaged in. Among other story points, it reflects on two workers (a successful crowd attention grabbing messenger and a no net worth frustrated fisherman), in the book of Luke, by the Sea of Galilee; and it brings about a forced interflection on one's own attitude. It is well worth the reading, regardless of one's calling or the source of one's paycheck in life. Lucado's words and especially their message and the precious words of that song, He Walks With Me (In the Garden), resonated with me. I was reminded that even knee deep in mire, I am in the garden of His love. Where are you right now? ... take time to smell the roses ... Come to the garden!
and the voice so clear whispers in my ear
The Son of God discloses.
And He walks with me
And He talks with me
And He tells me I am His own
And the joy we share as we tarry there
None other has ever known."
"He speaks, and the sound of His voice,Wherever we are, work or whatever, the questions continually begs if His voice is calling, are we listening? is our response obedient? are we answering 'Yes, Lord"?
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing."
"I’d stay in the garden with Him
Though the night around me be falling,
But He bids me go; through the voice of woe
His voice to me is calling."
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Labels: christian, devotional, gospel, Lucado, mom, music, word
Subject: update on Esteban
Greetings & God's blessings to all of you. God's people are so awesome...Amen!
It is with a heavy heart that I write this evening. Today my son had surgery because the time came (sooner than was expected), to amputate his right leg. Infection had set in. Esteban continues to be strong, yet I am reminded by the doctors that it is technology which has kept him alive thus far. And I say that reluctantly because science is science, but God's will is truth. He continues to breath with assistance, and some respiratory complications have surfaced. Dialysis is needed daily. Yesterday we were told by the doctors that they don't believe Esteban will be leaving the hospital. He will never walk again, but as his big brother Billy said, "Who needs legs when he'll have wings in heaven?" So my prayer tonight is for God's mercy. Since the accident on October 9Th, we have witnessed God's immense love, His undeniable grace, and now I ask that you pray for God's tender mercies on Esteban. I shared with my sisters this evening how at times it just seems as though there is no more strength remaining at the end of the day, then I get a call, or an e-mail, or am reminded of someones bible study group or church who has been diligent in prayer, and once again, I (we) are renewed for the next day. Your prayers are as fuel. They keep us going!
Please keep in mind I John 4:19 "We love because He first loved us"
In Jesus Name,
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Labels: doulos, Esteban, intercession, scripture
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Okay, to the side is a depiction of my fire roasted creation. I made it again - it is a hit in the household.
We are watching closing episodes of Stargate Atlantis. The other night we lost a beloved member of the Atlantis team. I was loathed that should happen while I was not quite yet dealing with real personal loss, but at least - my reality was not death. Yeah, I know, clear as mud and morbid. Okay, but the good news is that there has been a outcry from the fans, and they are going to bring the beloved team member back from what was beyond next to impossible odds. Remember the tune "I Write the Songs..." - well this is more "we write the words, that make the characters we love live" LOL.
I spoke to the Giant. He's fine. His room looks awfully empty.
Halloween is the worst traffic night of the year! Left work at 4:30 pm and got home near 7 pm. Set up to give candy out at the parsonage and Prayed Until Something Happened.
But the dish looks great doesn't it!
Okay so I rambled! I'll meander some more soon. Goodbye October. Night!
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Labels: commute, dining, film, Giant, holiday, literature, meandering, tidbit
Giant, I know He watches thee!Whenever I am tempted,
whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing,
when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him,
from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow,
and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow,
and I know He watches me.
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Labels: church, family, Giant, intercession, kleenex, mom, music
thought of another really good one ... (besides my own ;-)) Timeline ! If you like history, if you like drama, if you like love - this is a definite one to check out! From the Michael Crichton novel it has Paul Walker from the Fast and Furious trilogy, and many others.
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...this year, on a trip to Colorado, one couple's marital problems explode, and everyone else becomes collateral damage. Director Tyler Perry explores betrayal, confession, repentance, and reconciliation within a circle of friends willing to go the distance for each other.It's a very good source for Christ-minded movie watching and related discussions; their theme is see the truth.
Big Ideas: Confession is the first step to forgiveness, healing, and restoration.
Topics: Confession Restoration Repentance Forgiveness
Scripture: 1 John 1:8-9 James 5:14-16.
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Labels: christian, Lucado, temperament
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"Thank you. Thank you. Just a second, just a second. OK. Take it. OK. I wrote something down, because I thought if it would happen that I would be a little overwhelmed and I am. So, OK.And here's my favorite part...
When I was a kid, the only way that I saw movies was from the backseat of my family's car. At the drive-in. And, it wasn't my reality to think I would be acting in movies, so receiving this honor tonight tells me that it's possible. It is possible for a kid from east Texas, raised in South Central L.A. in Carson, who believes in his dreams, commits himself to them with his heart, to touch them, and to have them happen.
Because when I first started acting, it was because of my desire to connect to everyone. To that thing inside each of us. That light that I believe exists in all of us. Because acting for me is about believing in that connection and it's a connection so strong, it's a connection so deep, that we feel it. And through our combined belief, we can create a new reality.
So I want to thank my fellow believers in The Last King of Scotland. I want to thank Peter, Jeremy, Andrea, Lisa, Charles, Kevin, James McAvoy, Kerry, Stephen, Fox, DNA, Channel Four. I want to thank the people of Uganda, who helped this film have a spirit.
And finally, I want to thank my mom and my dad. I want to thank my wife Keisha, my children, my ancestors, who continue to guide my steps. And God, God who believes in us all. And who's given me this moment, in this lifetime, that I will hopefully carry to the end of my lifetime into the next lifetime. Thank you."Okay I've rambled enough; until next time.
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about how when she was little her brother once kicked and stomped on an anthill, destroying the ants’ home. She yelled for her mother, who came right away and calmed her down. They watched as the ants scurried to rebuild their “home”. The grandmother relays that, as a little girl, that seemed hopeless in her mind; they were just little ants. But her mother had explained, “Yah, if it’s just one ant. But there’s lots of ants down there. And they’re all relatives. They’re family – just like we are. That’s what families are for. That’s why they invented families, so hopeless wouldn’t get the last word."Whew, I really need a tissue now. Night, my friend!
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Labels: christian, commute, Esteban, friend, inspiration, intercession, kleenex, odd
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"I got to tell you, I'm fairly excited to see what you are capable of. I mean if Morpheus is right and all. We're not supposed to talk about any of that but if you are, well then this is an exciting time." The MatrixAs September reaches its autumn and October rolls in, we have a pastor at church and I had to send him my favorite congratulatory quote. Our church has in its origins been and has even now the potential to be such a light and he seems just the shepherd for the remnant of a 'rag-tag fugitive fleet'. Pastor Dale - alter ego Earnhardt, Jr. ;-) - comes cup overflowing with determination, and intuitivity that smacks of spiritual discernment, and people skills, among what appears to be an array of talents - doesn't seem he buries them in the ground either.