is the wife of the husband's life long friend Eric and she is a cancer-fighter, victorious in the Lord (see her site under the link). The one thing she truly understands is 'the battle is the Lord's'. She is an awesome woman, mother, wife, and child of the Lord; she is just plain good people. They became aware of this cancer about a year ago, after the birth of their 5th adorable child, and today they celebrated the baptism of precious little Viv.
We hadn't seen them since before the diagnosis and today we were blessed to enjoy their family, their company, and their home. As God wills we vowed to see each other more often. Good friends are a treasure and for life-long, a blessing. Thank you for Your hand in their lives and their presence in ours Lord.
Barbara - did you know that you were married to a celebrity? ;-)
Barbara - did you know that you were married to a celebrity? ;-)
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