Saturday, May 26

Pentecostal Feast of Weeks

How awesome is Pentecost?Acts 2 Imagine being there in a foreign place and hearing the Word of God as you would understand it. On Pentecost the church was given birth and even today while we exist in this foreign place, ourselves, because of that very same Holy Spirit, the Comforter who Jesus promised, we hear His Word (Him) as we would understand it.John 16 Now that is over the top by itself; but consider this - this wasn't something God said 'I'll do this today'. It was always part of his entire plan.

The hebrew people celebrate the Feast of Weeks (check it out). This commemorates God's giving them the Ten Commandments - His Word - the Law. Many of the people gathering on the Day of Pentecost had come to celebrate the Feast. Each event happened 50 (pente) days from Passover. The many parallels are mind boggling. On that day all believers graduated to having His Word written in our hearts! Now that's what I'm celebrating!

On this Memorial weekend, Feast on the promise of Pentecost - remember that Christ died for you and as He rose to be with the Father He is ever with us through His Holy Spirit. Have a great weekend.

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