Monday, December 25


Just like everyone has their shows, I have mine. We tend to buy ours by the season. We are going through Smallville, and have 24. We also watch Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, and Atlantis - most somewhat sci-fi with the exception of 24, but practically in all something is getting saved.

Today, watched several episodes of Smallville including a timely Lexmas - kind of a 'Wonderful Life/Scrooge' with a different effect; but on the viewer the effect is the same - causes one to look at their life, their decisions, and think about what they want and where they are going, are they spending their time in the best manner possible. I liked it a lot. Funny that we got to that episode today, amidst the carol listening, gift openings, football and basketball (yah Miami!) games, family dinner and such.

But, as we contemplate the new year, it should be in like manner. For the choices you make today will be a path unto your future. And don't make the wrong choice for the wrong reasons. Personally, if not already the case, I recommend the choice for salvation; there's no time like the present. Blessings to you.

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