put your eye on this kid!
Wondering what this child is going to be when he grows up ....
A pearl is the result of the work of a once foreign object within a shell until it takes the form and countenance of a polished beauty. If it is pushed off to the side it will be rejected and its inherent beauty will not be brought forth into being. But if it is allowed to take residence and move to the center - a marvelous work is wrought.
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Labels: christian, Christmas, doulos, husband, inspiration, meaning, scripture
my taste in Christmas music is indicative of my celebration. Along with the traditional carols which I really enjoy singing and playing (whether I'm really good at either ;-)), these are some songs I I truly love too:
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It's my favorite time of year - celebrating the advent of Christ. I'm moved by movies, and sentiments, and watching people. And there are birthdays in this month - 2 daughters, 1 brother in law, 1 son in law, and many dear friends, and I became 50.
Two years ago my mom died - it was my birthday. I was going to wake her for church - the husband was giving the message. I found later, after the firemen came and the paramedics lined the front of the house and the stairway, after I encouraged my husband to do what he does so I would have the comfort of knowing all was well with that part of the world, after holding her and wondering what diabetic crisis I had caused in my ineptitude, talking her back to this world with no avail, after alerting the brother and sister we had a situation with mom, later after following over to the hospital - she was having cerebral hemorrhage. She left us two days later.
The season has been this way for me for some time though, before the husband who has done wonderful things to make this season for me, I used to spend the holidays with the sisters family and still struggled. She has her season of difficulty, but Christmas is mine. This year the job is ambivalent, the church has a interim pastor and its in its own state, all the college kids are gone and our house is having quieter days, the giant graduates from boot camp at the end of the month in Chicago and I can't get there between weather and fares. But, life is not just some piece of cake. It's not just going to go my way.
Regardless, I love the season. I love my family. I love my friends. I love this time of year. Christ came and He is coming again! I don't know about rainy days and decembers, but the reason for the season IS!
Good friends are like cake and ice cream - something you like to have on your birthday :-). Our December birthdays we've been sharing the past couple of years. Mine was Tuesday and we were at Red Robins. Remember those coupons I get. They do coupons too! Well at Red Robins I got a free hamburger. I was soooo stuffed. And last night was the ace's husband's day. We shared that one at Black Angus. The coupon for was for a free steak dinner up to $19.99. I had peppered steak with mushrooms and mashed potatoes.
It's nice hanging out with our friends. Ace was explaining the the youngest the other day why we are all family - because as children of God we are. It's like that - good friends are like close family. You can be yourself and you like who you are and who you are with. They are good people. They are good friends. They are good family.
it's easy to make, quick, and delicious. you can throw it in the oven when people come over and seem like martha stewart. if you keep berries in the freezer, you'll almost always have the ingredients for this yummy last minute dessert.I just happen to have an assortment of berries in the freezer!
1-2 (16oz) bags of frozen mixed berries
pour them in a pie pan
pour approx. 1/3 cup of sugar over them
then sprinkle lightly w/ cinnamon, nutmeg, or allspice
then in a separate bowl mix [1/2 stick of butter, 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup flour, 1/3 cup brown sugar] until crumbly
pour crumbly mix in pan
bake at 350 until golden brown and somewhat crisp
goes well with vanilla ice cream
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"Do all the good you can,and this
by all the means you can,
in all the ways you can,
in all the places you can,
at all the times you can,
to all the people you can,
as long as ever you can"
"Moses had a staff.We answered questions like:
David had a sling
Samson had a jawbone
Rahab had a string.
Mary had some ointment
Aaron had a rod
Dorcas had a needle
All were used by God
What do you have?"
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Labels: Lucado
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Labels: film, flora, meandering, mom, scripture