Thursday, November 16

a Bush-gois nightmare? - abuse of force

Yesterday on KNX1070 I heard Chief of Police Bratton speak to the issue of the three recently recorded incidents of police use of force that has alarmed the metropolitan community. He defended the uniform with 'what a rotten world it is today'. We have a friend who is an officer and a gentlemen; out there doing an outstanding job - and we know others wearing the uniform of like kind. But we also know that all are not as upright and dedicated. Maybe Bratton doesn't know that. His rotten world defense was accompanied with a need to protect the public - certainly true. Too, it almost seemed he defined non-lethal use of force as be glad you're alive. Somehow, though, I missed any mention of the need to preserve the rights of the apprehended. Am I wrong? - they do have some! Maybe we moved to a guilty until proven innocent referendum.
I checked the definition for inalienable again just to make sure I had that right (I must be missing something) - get this:
incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred {inalienable rights}
Not to be separated, given away, or taken away; inalienable.
Now there are criminals out there, shady, unscrupulous folks to be sure. But I don't want to have a Bush-gois - or the film The Siege - world where what worries me when I see brutality in videos or real life is who really is the tyrant? and when officers play good cop/bad cop, do they wear identification? There may be facts we are unaware of in these incidents, but from the outside looking in I am concerned. But, by the grace of God it could be I. Bratton, I just hope the system is designed to the best ability to protect the rights of all. One son is seeking to be an officer of the law and I know he'll be excellent. Yet as a civilian and for the entire public they pledge to protect, I want to be assured protection from abuse of the badge. Meanwhile, a heartfelt cheers to law enforcers of integrity everywhere! Multiply and be fruitful and may the Lord keep thee!

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