Saturday, March 31

This Cup

Ever have a bad week. Ever know that the events that had to take place in your life would make for a bad week. How did you go into it? How did you survive? How did you come out of it?

If your faith in Christ means something to you, let this week in His life soak into your soul - the magnitude of His heart, His humanness, His holiness. There is a classic movie - The Silver Chalice with the tagline "I bid you seek the lost Silver Cup... for Sin is rising like the swollen rivers..." where a Greek artisan travels to Jerusalem and Rome to complete the commission to cast the cup of Christ in silver and sculpt around its rim the faces of the disciples and Jesus. This week we should consider the Lord's cup and all that it means for us and for the world.

The Last Week of Christ's earthly life:
On a Sunday, our Lord was hailed by the onlookers 'Hosanna, in the Highest; Blessed be the King who comes in the name of the Lord' while they tossed they coats and coverings before Him as he rode in upon a young colt never before sat upon. The people saw hope in living form. Jesus remarked that in the absence of the crys of the people, the rocks would even cry out. He, Himself, beheld the city and wept for it.

Monday, He cleaned the temple of those desecrating it by their actions and He taught the people eagerly listening to Him.

Tuesday, as he preached the Gospel there and at the Mount of Olives, the chief priests, scribes, and elders and the like challenged Him. The plotted against Him and sent spies amongst the people in an attempt to bait Him to use His words against Him.

Wednesday, while the chief priests and the scribes schemed on, Satan entered Judas Iscariot who then plotted to betray Jesus with the chief priests and captains.

Thursday was the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover (distinctly different holidays falling on different days while, due to their closeness usually treated as one festival). It is amazing how these celebrations foretell of the Messiah and even moreso how in looking at some of the activities, especially for the children, some of our Easter traditions are gleened.

Jesus observes the Passover with His disciples as The Last Supper. He then went to the Mount of Olives, the heaviness of all that lay ahead weighing upon Him, to pray and wanting His disciples to watch and pray with Him. A stone's throw away, He prayed "Father if thou are willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done." An angel came to Him and strengthened Him, a strength that very much would be required. And in the agony of His heart, He continued to pray, his sweat 'as it were as drops of blood falling down to the ground'. He found His own disciples rather than praying, sleeping 'for sorrow'.

Judas committed his act of betrayal and a multitude descended upon them. Peter reacting angrily cut off the ear of one; but Jesus in is ultimate forgiveness, healed it. Jesus was arrested.

Friday Jesus' disciples scattered even while some including John and Peter lingered nearby. Peter to his own despair, as Jesus foretold, denied he even knew Christ. Jesus, Himself, was ridiculed and horrifically treated - see The Passion if you want to get even just a small insight to it. Justice hangs its head as Jesus is brought before the Sanhedrin, Pilate, Herod and again Pilate and, having found no fault in the accusations against Him, (rather than free Him thus displeasing the people) and finally given over to the people to decide his fate. In the stead of Barabas found guilty of sedition and murder, the people condemned Jesus.

Jesus was crucified - led away, He bore His cross and was hung upon it at Calvary as He said "Father forgive them, for they know now what they do" and "Father into thy hands, I commend my spirit" and was buried.

Saturday the sabbath was observed by the women those who had dressed His body and the women who went to see where He lay.

Sunday the very first day of the week very early in the morning, they returned to an open sepulchre; its stone rolled away. "He is not here" was said to them, "but He is risen".

Ever know that the events that had to take place in your life would make for a bad week. How did you go into it? How did you survive? How did you come out of it?

Our Lord and Savior knew what lay ahead of Him. He did not shy away from it. He continued to encourage and teach. He prayed and was strengthened. He was forgiving and loving. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, you will be with me in paradise." He had the victory.

Please take time this week to reflect upon the cup and this Holy Week, even each specific day, and be blessed by the events and the lessons and the eternal truth and give Him your praise 'Hosanna, in the Highest; Blessed be the King who comes in the name of the Lord' and in obedience say not my will, but thine be done.

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