Tuesday, October 17

Did I say FoxFaith?

Just in...

this email (we get their newsletter) from movieministry.com titled It is time for FoxFaith? This is another resource for Christian movie information - they have 'sermon illustrations, Bible studies, discussion guides and free resources from major movies'.

From the email:
Some might see these early releases and conclude that we are headed for another round of “Jesus junk” films – post-Passion of the Christ movies, like the latest installment of the Left Behind series, that are preachy and poorly made. Even though such films might be able to scare up a little box office, they are not the stuff you want to build a new brand around.The question Christians need to ask is, "Where should we set the bar for success?" If Christians insist that all films coming from FoxFaith meet the standards represented by movies such as Chariots of Fire, Shadowlands, and The Passion of the Christ then we are setting them up for failure. If that was the general litmus test for all studio releases, theaters would get about five or six films a year. Christians need to recognize that not every movie will be a blockbuster. Imagine if we used the same kind of standard for sermons. Let's face it, not even the best pastor hits it out of the park every week.

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