Tuesday, January 27

procrastination, patience, premature

I thought hey, if I hurry I could get more than one post in this month. The thing about hating 'catch up' is I'm a procrastinator - and I operate well in this mode. When, I write against a deadline, it all comes together at the end. Until then, I'm in the classic 'ball up paper and toss it' mode. I like the flow of that.

When I photograph it defies my nature - it requires planning - yikes and, yet, instinct which I love. It requires patience. When I see something, I want it; but it makes me wait. God does that to me too, make me wait for His best and gives me the instinct (when I don't ignore it) to recognize when I have it. I've screwed up some shots and many a shot in life not allowing patience to work 'experience, and experience hope; and hope' which maketh not ashamed. You get the picture! Not just what you saw, but everything that take had in it. I'm learning not to settle; to get the shot. Because I've begun to learn, I have my Beloved Boaz.

My mother used to say I was 'whatever age' going on 40. There was something to what she was saying. I took some test on Facebook and it said I tested to be the age 60; YIKES!!!!! But I'm beginning the life of the curious case of Shelz. I'm learning to come to God as a child. This lesson was re-triggered in Bible study tonight. He said I am His own. He would help me walk and he would feed me. He would quiet my cares. "Unless you come to me as a one these ..." Here I come Abba Father.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister - how often do we not come to our father as the child we act like all the rest of the time...


Fitness Footnote

'the highs and lows of' my Weight Loss Journey