I don't like ketchup - only on meatloaf; it is really good on meatloaf.
And I don't like playing catch up - the stress!
But here I am in January, looking at December.
I had a birthday, so maybe it's age. ;-). I have a new camera - an upgrade from my TZ3 to a FZ28. Wow! I'm really enjoying it and I still like my little one with so much capability. It fits in my pocket or purse - so I'm never without a camera. But the new one is light years more intriguing. I take some solitary walks to get some shots as well - a combo of physical, spiritual and artistic exercise. I'm enjoying this new avenue of pursuit. I take shots where ever I see them.The first day of my vacation it snowed over night. I captured this shot doing morning errands.

The husband and I go on shoots. He also goes with our yenta who also is into photography. New Year's, he came over with his lady and shared a morning with us - more photos LOL. We're plannning a getaway shoot - should be fun; I'm looking forward to it. The youngest has accompanied us on a nature shoot.
I also received Vanessa William's Christmas CD and a great workbook 'Sacred Romance'; going to get the book today so I can begin the journey.
Spent Christmas with kids in and out. We were blessed to see the Giant's wife over the holidays who came bearing the gift of kewl watch. Too we were blessed as the next oldest came down from northern California. We had 5 for dinner, and it was a very nice to have the help cleaning up. We missed the one studying in France, and the Texans, but were also blessed by all of the rest.
I usually use this time to do some cleaning and re-arranging some furniture. I made the effort this year to change our living/dining room in to what I call the conservatoire (a reading/music room of sorts) - same stuff, just slightly different look to contrast with our 'theatre' room we already have. I have much, much, much more cleaning to do.
Other than groceries, I didn't really do any shopping, even though I have a few gift cards to spend. Eventually! Eventually! Went to the office parties of my and the husband's job. New Year's we've developed of having of finger foods and sparkling beverage with whomever graces our home as we wait in the New Year. That was nice. We were watching, as we had been throughout the holidays, episodes of the last dvd season of Smallville. We paused for the midnight celebration!
So now as I look back I see I've had a difficult time in getting back into school; but I haven't given up. I'm trying to manage the workload and make way for that opportunity, as well as continue in ministry and of course having a meaningful family life. Jer 29:11 reminds me God has a plan. I'll be trying to be on His page.
Meanwhile I look to the hubbi's upcoming birthday - a weekend which we will celebrate the gift of him, Martin Luther King Jr., and 44. Hoping to make the most of what will be a 5-day weekend for me.
Ketchup/Catch Up is what you make it - done well it can as enjoyable as this has been.
May God's (not the World's) prosperity bless you all this New Year.
"to be prudent, be circumspect, wisely understand, prosper (Qal) to be prudent, be circumspect (Hiphil) to look at or upon, have insight to give attention to, consider, ponder, be prudent to have insight, have comprehension 1b insight, comprehension (subst) to cause to consider, give insight, teach 1b the teachers, the wise to act circumspectly, act prudently, act wisely to prosper, have success to cause to prosper"
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Norman family... tell my punk brother happy birthday - and way cool on the new camera, family, food and fun...
ReplyDeletepeace be with you all...