Look at the time!
I'm somewhat glad June has slip by - it was, not without its virtues, a difficult month. If I were doing a biometric thing I'd say
'whew, that emotional line is all over the place!" The youngest was student of the month of May in his classroom. Yeah! Had a day off so I could enjoy that. Walked to his school and back home again, chatting with neighbors on the way. The weather is changing to the neighborly style where you have a minute for another person and can catch up with each other. It's a great time of year.
Visited Oasis Community Church, Moreno Valley, the first Sunday and afterward went to Sizzler for lunch. They just couldn't get the husband's order right! When he finally got his sirloin tips well done, they were scrumptious and my fish and chips were great. Overall we had a lovely sabbath.
The husband and I were going to attend a denominational discipling seminar only to find after driving through traffic to Norwalk it had been cancelled. They were very apologetic about not having gotten me the notice. So instead we leisurely
slammed some breakfast at Denny's and visited his ministerial mentor. I hadn't met him and his wife - so it was a lovely day anyway. After all, it was another day off from work. I didn't get a chance to check-in on my brother, who didn't live very far away, but I have been able to get in touch with him this month and hope to see him the upcoming holiday weekend.
My hawaiian friend came through in a
hayz - we should be seeing their family in two short months. The oldest of our two youngest girls turned 16 -
woah and is learning to drive;
look out world! Happy Birthday! My godchild, a lovely young lady, had a birthday this month -
hey gyrl! My sister and brother-in-law (27) and my Ace and her husband (18 - and their son turned 4 too) had anniversaries -
bless you all! I missed the renewed vows (25 years of marriage) of Compton (now living in Palmdale) cousin and his wife who I have yet to meet - I hope that gets remedied someday soon. My nephew, brother's son, graduated from high school -
woohoo, very proud of him! Happy belated Father's Day to all you devoted dad's out there, especially to the husband who is there for his mine and ours! It gets rocky at times movin' the one by one into adulthood - so glad the Lord helps us through! The youngest allowed me to join them for dinner out at
Red Robin's - they have the best fish and chips - on a Friday night pre-celebration which I as the
third wheel' thoroughly enjoyed.
I started a major campaign of regaining our retreat (the master bedroom) - some
evil calamity ;-) seems to have had a hold over its appearance. I can now walk in the walk-in closet and found my desk; the husband has installed the new blinds; and it seems to have grown immensely as slowly I throw out , put, and give things away. I've been quite a busier bee around the house. My final stroke was to attack the hall closet - I actually know what's in there now.
Tyrtle has become quite comfortable in his new digs! What a life - eat, swim and sunbathe all day! You'd think he'd be grateful ;-0 - but he made a great escape again just the other day, only to be rounded up by one of the dogs (
maybe there's some sheep/turtle dog in there somewhere).
The youngest has finished his school year -
hallelujah! He achieved an additional attendance award at the end of the year - we're very proud of his perseverance in the face of adversity this year and overall academic achievements.
Here's a Major News Flash! A couple of years ago, after falling while trying to learn to ride his bike the youngest was basically traumatized and vowed never to ride! Well , we gave it another
'go'! Now he's riding all over the place - and the three of us ride together.

The husband has just gone
'gun ho' on the fitness thing too - he's participating in a walk challenge at the work place, we walk down to the store and around the neighborhood together, with the dogs, or the youngest - rewarding ourselves with an occasional smoothie stop at
Juice it Up! (they have double ticket clicks and Tuesdays and Thursdays which quickly gets us to some free ones), and now bike riding! Have a new spiffy pedometer -- the Omron HJ-112 the husband gave me - keeps track of steps, aerobic steps, aerobic minutes, miles, and kcal burn. Quite motivating. Let's see if my numbers go up. I'm doing really well, and in the women's challenge I've only missed one point so far and have already made that up with a bonus challenge. I missed a goal again at the end of the month because I had bashed my toe during the week (
please, don't ask!) and in the next and final week I will be able to make that up and successfully complete the challenge! Overall I have increased my automatic daily activity to an healthy level and am enjoying the extra support, challenge, and companionship from the husband.
So though I started out the post on a low note - it is clear that the Lord works all things to the good of those who diligently seek Him. He is ever faithful!
And there you have it; June in July! Meanwhile keep the middle daughter lifted up as she begins new endeavors - may the Lord's grace and protection fervently rest upon her as He completes her - of course that applies to all of us!