Thursday, February 14

Sí se puede

sorry I've been away so long; it's been really really busy in my life - will fill in later.

Just wanted to say I love this:

By the wiki, 'Sí se puede' (Spanish for "Yes, It can be done!") is the motto of the United Farm Workers. In 1972, during Cesar Chavez's 25 day fast in Phoenix, Arizona, he and UFW's co-founder, Dolores Huerta came up with the slogan.

What's really kewl is the youngest, who turned 9 this week, is so jazzed about this election. I explained the process early in the primarys and he is just full of his own ideas on this whole thing. Even became annoyed when I changed the channel to watch a movie - Mom, I like Larry King! Between him and dad watching the History channel - what am I to do? Could have a house DNC conservative Alex P. Keaton on my hands!

Happy Valentines Day!

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'the highs and lows of' my Weight Loss Journey