Monday, July 23


Okay it was loud and fast - or I am hearing and sight challenged, but it was quite the summer blockbuster! It had all the makings of a success - great cast and characters, story line, action, humor, suspense, tension, romance - whew! If you saw Small Soldiers and/or any of the Terminator films - it all seemed very familiar - oh to be caught up in somebody else's war! Be careful not to hold your breath too long! It'll be great to watch on DVD!

Anyway the husband, youngest and I went to see it - a delayed Father's Day activity (thank you ReggieA) and enjoyed it thoroughly! Closing the chapter on Father's Day now - speaking of fathers, Shia LaBeouf's (who is making quite a career for himself - you might remember from I, Robot, Constantine, and earlier Holes) character Sam had quite an interesting dad Ron Witwicky - Kevin Dunn, who has played interesting dad's before (Soldiers' Stuart Abernathy)!

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