Friday, November 3

Stand Up and Be Counted

or Sit Down and Shut Up! Ultimately, if you don't vote - you are choosing not to have a say! The thing is voting is important. More importantly informed voting is key! One should take the time to understand the candidates and issues, know what the proponents and opponents are saying and what they're motivations are. One should understand the politics and the integrity (or lack of) involved. Dig through the shady/slanted campaign rhetoric and find the meat and potatoes - what really matters, the crux of the issues. Of course, we can only do this to the best of our ability, but every effort should be made. Don't just be a party follower/supporter, but a follower/supporter of what is right. This year there are energy (or so-called) issues, transportation, local, gubenatorial, etc. issues to deal with.

Most importantly, people have died to gain and ensure that everyone - women, minorities of which I am familiar with the african-american experience, have the right to vote; rights that are often threatened every election. In so considering, it is a moral obligation and privilege to do so, that should not be taken lightly. We should have an understanding what has gone on before us and pass this understanding on to our children by our example and conversation. You can let things happen to you or do your share to make them happen.

Praying you'll be out there voting your conscious this Tuesday, Nov. 7th!

1 comment:

  1. So true! Although I am not particularly interested in anything political, I do understand my responsibility to vote. So you'll be happy to know that Micah and I have ALREADY voted! (We do the absentee thing.)


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