Thursday, November 2

The Nativity Story

This recommendation just in from 3Leonards -

The Nativity Story

The picture is so striking, I'm using it as a screensaver (see the site). Hey there is even a blog site. The screenwriter Mike Rich, who among his credits has Finding Forrester,

describes himself as a devout Christian, felt a spiritual responsibility while writing the script and working with director Catherine Hardwicke to bring the story to life. "I wanted to make sure we were faithful to the tone and spirit of the Gospels," he says. "If you don't feel that pressure writing this type of story, you're not approaching it the right way." ... writing Nativity was different from adapting other true stories because he wasn't going to have to face the person he was writing about. Then, after a pause he added, "Well, at least not in this life."....

The idea for The Nativity Story came to Rich during the Christmas of 2004, when Newsweek and Time both ran Nativity cover stories. After seeing the covers, the thought hit Rich that "a lot of people are interested in this story, but it has always been told as event-based and not character-based." He wanted to explore the story from a different perspective. "Mary has become iconic. But before this remarkable girl became the Mother of our Lord, she was just a child. And like any young person in trying circumstances, she probably had a lot of fears, questions, even doubts."

Thanks Nicole - this certainly appears to be a must see!

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