Tuesday, September 18

The 'Smith'sonian fake Anniversary

A revised Mr. & Mrs. Smith moment ...
Shelley Norman: Like Christmas, like our wedding, like the time you forgot to bring my anniversary present.
Reggie Norman: Your *fake* anniversary present.
Okay, that might be confusing - you need to know our story!

Anyway, I want to take this moment and tell the husband (I did!)
I love you; I love us! I love my life!

And in two days we'll be in Hawaii. Woohoo!

Closing Smith moments ...

Opening Lines:
John Smith: [at the marriage counselor's] OK, I'll go first. Um... Let me say, uh, we don't really need to be here. See, we've been married for five years.
Jane Smith: Six.
John Smith: [chastened] Five, six years.
I kind of said something like this when we were making the decision for a timeshare:
Jane Smith: There's nowhere I'd rather be than here with you.
My favorite line: told to Jane about when he first met her
John Smith: You looked like Christmas morning.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (fake anniversary ;-) My Love!

Rth 1:16 And Ruth said, Do not entreat me to leave you, to turn back from following you. For where you go, I will go. And where you stay, I will stay. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.

1 comment:

  1. Happy "fake" anniversary!! :)

    If you happen to run into the Hays while in the Aloha State, give them our love. ;)


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'the highs and lows of' my Weight Loss Journey