Thursday, April 5

Hunting Season

I struggle with Easter eggs, bunnies, and the like (hunts) as they seem to be founded in Spring celebrations and such rather so much the Holy Week that culminates in the Resurrection.

So I looked a little more into the season of the hunt:

The Jewish celebrate Passover and during that celebration some have hunting for hametz - true to form, the traditions of Passover reserve a place for children as we ready our homes for the holiday. The cleaning culminates with a family search for hametz on the evening before the seder, and our children fall over each other to participate in this ritual.”

A part of the Jewish Seder is hiding the Afikomen - For most children the afikomen, which means dessert, is the highlight of the Passover seder. In fact, its whole purpose is to keep children awake, alert and attentive throughout the ceremony as they look forward to the game at the end.

I like these types of activities as it is important that the fun and games and activities help us remember the object of our celebration. Moses was hidden and then he was found. Because of Christ, my passover, while I once was lost; now I am found!

May your find blessing in your celebrations!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Thank you, for the perspective, as I, too, struggle with rabbits, chickens, candy, eggs, etc, leading up to what is such a sacred time for me. Thanks for dropping the knowledge.


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