Friday, August 14


the youngest couldn't breathe last night - woke me up at midnight, throat constricted, the coughing had taken it's toll. I did everything I knew to treat the situation. I surmised it wouldn't be necessary to go to emergency. This is the last of eight and not a new situation for me. But my prayers were constant and I stationed myself beside him once his breathing was settled; I was afraid to sleep - afraid if I did ....

come morning we scooted over to urgent care and his symptoms were treated. I placed his prescription; it was $30. $30! Usually I pay $4-$15. $30? There wasn't a generic form. I only had one to fill. I have $30. Had I been without insurance - $180. One time deal. I could come up with $180, to keep my loved one, more than one time .... My situation - minor.

I know people with chronic health situations, making medicine choices every day. I don't know people, mom's like me, trying to figure how to keep a loved one alive. I know they are there. Right here in the U. S. of A! People need health insurance - everyone! God help this country make away for everyone to have health insurance; for everyone to be able to sleep at night without that fear for someone's life.

Monday, August 3

the kid is 10

hummmin' to Michael Jackson music, the dog gone kid is 10. School starts tomorrow and the kid is in the 5th grade. He qualified for the GATE program, for which he is very jazzed. The teacher sent him a postcard letting him know how excited she is to have him in her class, which he has been carrying around showing to anyone who would look.

DS concentration
"the kid is mine; the dog gone kid is mine"

We prayed over his school year tonight after a steak dinner which he loves - his teacher, the school, his classmates and schoolmates, and him. He is a precious child.

Earlier today, I read two articles that blessed me. They may bless you as well.

The Most Important Thing to Teach Your Public-School Child
Teaching Kids to Love God: From Theory to Practice

Fitness Footnote

'the highs and lows of' my Weight Loss Journey